Week in pictures pt.1

by - November 21, 2016

Hello guys, I am starting a new series here on my blog. I am going to try to do this once a week to tell you all about my life (IN PICTURES).... not like my life is that interesting but you never know.

Lets talk about the weather first. Its officialy WINTER here in Cork, Ireland. It is absolutely freezing in here. This morning the roads were all icy and I was waiting 25 minutes on the bus stop freezing by butt off.  Even though I love the colours in winter and I love the way it gets darker sooner, the cold just puts me off. I know winter is supposed to be cold but it should be snowy too. I was raised in Slovakia and there is too much snow in there. No snow in Ireland and it makes me sad. All we get in here is rain and wind.

Excuse my sleepy face in this picture but I am doing a month off makeup challege. I am nearly a week in and I am going to end on the 10th of December (hopefully). I love makeup so much but my skin has been breaking up so bad recently so I wanted to find out if it's because of any product I am using or whats the problem. Hopefully I will last the month and I will be updating you for sure. 

So, I also did a little experiment with my hair. Bare in mind there is a filter on this photo but I did lighten up my hair a bit (well the ends). I've got ombre hair for the past year or so but I wanted it lighter. I also bought the lightening shampoo so let's see what that does to me. I really want my hair to be like the picure.

I am loving my course. Not only do I get to practive massage but I get to receive it. (obviously)
I love reflexology treatments and Sarah (the girl in the picture) is amazing. As our class would say, she has good hands. I absolutely love my course, even though the Anatomy side of it sucks. Learning every single bone and muscle in the body is not that easy, but I know it will all be worth it in the end. 

Let's appreciate this picture. I am trying to be cool by playing poker. HA HA HA I wish. I'd love to learn to play but it's a fail so far. I was in Leisureplex the other day with my friend and we spend our whole day in there. I really want to go back there and try all the other possible games, I am kind of obsessed with the dance floor thing. It keeps you active and it's so much fun. 

So, that's it for todays week. I know BORING.. but at least i did something fun :) 
I hope you like this post. Leave a comment down below with any fun tags to do :)

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