Natural Collection
Hello everyone, I hope you're all having an amazing weekend. Today I decided to talk to you all about a brand named Natural Collection. Every single product is E2.75c
I like this brand a lot, especially it's concealer. It stays on for the day and covers everything, so I decided to pick more products from them to try it out. Let's begin shall we?
Ok, so let's start with the bronzer. The shade is golden glow and it is what it says. Now let me tell you this bronzer is so creamy even though it doesn't look like it. I really like it's texture and colour because it suits my pale skin. The only thing that I don't really like about it is that it's shimmery but I can deal with it and I will use it in my everyday makeup routine. I really had problems with bronzers to suit my skin and that it ususally just looked like blob of brown stripes on the sides of my face. This blends out AMAZINGLY!